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infoAbout this website

I started the development of this website in 2014 just to play with CSS and test some animations. Web Frameworks and WebApps just weren't a popular thing back then, and Google had just released its Material Design Guidelines. This was just a website with empty cards and animations, but in late 2015 I thought it was a good idea to use it as my curriculum.

No CSS library or framework was used on this website. It is my interpretation from scratch of the initial Material Design guidelines, while importing its icons.

It was built using JQuery and some of its plugins (Color and TouchSwipe) for some of the Website applications. The menu button animation (hamburger menu / arrow) was done by me using pure SVG with its animateTransform tag. The appearance of a SPA was achieved with the use of iframe.

These decisions were made in 2015, so today I would have done everything differently. I plan to rebuild my website with SASS and Vue.js, with more animations and interactive elements, but I just didn't have got enough spare time, as I am focused on my work and other projects that are more important than this website.

Responsiveness was taken into account g the development, and gesture support was also added. (You can swipe from the left page/screen border to open the menu. It was a popular thing back in 2016 but today a lot of mobile devices now have a system gesture that conflicts with it).